Happy Head …. or …. Clutter Shame?

I don’t know about you, but as I get older (and maybe wiser?), Autumn gives me a feeling of wanting to clear and refresh my spaces. Between you and me, in some ways I look on Autumn as […]
I don’t know about you, but as I get older (and maybe wiser?), Autumn gives me a feeling of wanting to clear and refresh my spaces. Between you and me, in some ways I look on Autumn as […]
I went to various catholic girls’ schools for many years, including five years in boarding school. Some good times, some ultimately deletable. Probably like you, the concept of being a ‘nice’ or ‘good’ girl was force-fed into me. It’s taken me years, a lot of personal development and self-examination to release it. To give myself […]
What happens when Egos in cars clash? I observed a sad, silly and ultimately stupid example of the Tyranny of Certainty last week.
I was heading to our local village, Holywood, down a long, steepish hill. There were cars legally parked on the right hand side of the road, leaving somewhat limited space for two cars […]
Hi. Yes, it’s me here again. I’ve been absent from my Blogland for (gulp) six months. Believe me, it’s not due to lazines. It was down to an unexpected and increasing lack of confidence. My fear of stepping back into the writing again. Let me explain.
The first three months of 2018 were a bit horrific […]
How often have you found yourself stuck in a place of discomfort? A discussion, an argument, a viewpoint? Now, forgive me if I’m in the zone of teaching my granny to suck eggs, but I’m going to write this anyway – sometimes a slight difference in where we stand, literally and metaphorically, can have an […]
Why does self-compassion help? How do you do it, simply and easily?
When you begin to consciously and intentionally to ‘do’ self-compassion, you will begin to see and feel subtle differences in how you are, how your life is, and how people respond to you.
It may be a bit scary at first, to not put others’ […]
Why self-compassion? (1)
So far we’ve looked at what self-compassion is, and you’ve explored your relationship with it. Over each of these next few posts, I’m going to offer a ‘why do or be self-compassion’ and offer a simple self-compassion exercise.
I’ll also start to refer to self-compassion as SC, to save time! Why do SC? So many […]
Day 6/30
Today’s question continues to strengthen your focus on you. It can feel strange to focus on your self-compassion.
My invitation to you is to take this question, let it become comfortable in your mind, heart and soul, and observe what answers you receive in reply.
Then at some point in the day, give yourself some quiet time, […]
Look at us all. We are all, on the surface at least and to all intents and purposes, confident, strong, wise, resilient women. Each and every one of us has a lifetime of personal, educational and professional experiences, obstacles overcome, achievements and happenings.
Aaah, but on the inside? When we put ourselves to the risk wire, […]
Did you ever get that ‘work harder-harder-harder; you can do better than this’ voice in your head?
Yep, that one that makes you feel pressured, stressed, guilty? The one with the ughy messages?
I had a serious example of it just last week. I’d finally begun to feel human again, recovered from a horrible 3-week chest infection […]