

About trudyarthurs

Trudy Arthurs is a professionally accredited Coach, Facilitator and Trainer who specialises in working with people who want to call a halt to the communication hassle, lead their personal and professional lives with heart, and love their wellbeing.

Finish Unfinished Business


Finish Unfinished Business

Yup. You know that feeling of unfinished business? How it makes you feel? How your heart sinks at the resentment and anger you hold inside at those you are not at peace with; the anger at yourself; the hurt?

This unfinished business with others is the biggest stumbling block to being able to hear your […]

By | October 25th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Self-trust|Tags: , |0 Comments



I can imagine a puzzlement right now, why is she writing about self-trust, when she’s a self-compassion coaching specialist?

Good question. And here’s another one.

How much do you trust yourself? Seriously. Think of a spectrum from 1 – 10, with 10 being highest. And ask yourself that question. “What’s my self-trust score”?

Now, your cognitive self is […]

By | October 24th, 2016|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Self-compassion – Why? (5)



So by now, after four days of ‘Why’, you’ll be knowing that there are tons of great reasons to allow yourself to get your self-compassion groove on. (I’m beginning to sound like a Hippie ….. lovely!)

The final ‘why’ I offer you is this:

You begin to be on your side:    You have your own back. You’ve […]

Self-Compassion – Why (4)


Yesterday I offered the concept of self-acceptance as part of self-compassion. ‘Accept the unacceptable’.   This is a pillar of SC.

And it takes time to get used to this. Here are some suggestions to help you do that.

Be willing to do it: Obvious, I know, but true. Giving yourself permission to accept your imperfect self ultimately […]

By | October 20th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Self-Compassion|0 Comments

Self-Compassion – Why? (3)


How are you getting on with having a tad more self-compassion for yourself?

One of my other fave knowings about SC is: you can stop beating yourself up.

You may ask what the heck I’m talking about?

I used to have a Greek Chorus of Beater-Uppers in my head ….. about anything and everything.

How I looked.

How I spoke to somebody […]

By | October 20th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Personal Power, self-acceptance, Self-Awareness|Tags: , |0 Comments

Self-compassion – Why? (2)


Why does self-compassion help? How do you do it, simply and easily?

When you begin to consciously and intentionally to ‘do’ self-compassion, you will begin to see and feel subtle differences in how you are, how your life is, and how people respond to you.

It may be a bit scary at first, to not put others’ […]

By | October 18th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Courage, Self-Compassion, Self-trust|0 Comments

Self-Compassion – Why?

Why self-compassion? (1)


So far we’ve looked at what self-compassion is, and you’ve explored your relationship with it. Over each of these next few posts, I’m going to offer a ‘why do or be self-compassion’ and offer a simple self-compassion exercise.

I’ll also start to refer to self-compassion as SC, to save time!  Why do SC?   So many […]

By | October 17th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Courage, Releasing Fear, Self-Compassion|0 Comments

Self-Compassion with The Satchmo! (9)

There are so many ways to show yourself some self-compassion.  I find music, and responding completely to it, one of the easiest most powerful ways to get the self-compassion groove going…..

So, this is my gift to you today…….

Today’s offering is a gift of the wonderful energy and confidence of Louis Armstrong, doing his Bibbidy Bobbidy […]

By | October 16th, 2016|Categories: Blog, laughter, music, Self-Compassion|0 Comments

Self-Compassion Focus (8)

Day 8/30

Self-Compassion Focus

Today’s question, the last for now, is a beautiful chance to explore how you help you.

My invitation to you is to take this question, let it become comfortable in your mind, heart and soul, and observe what answers you receive in reply.

Then at some point in the day, give yourself some quiet time, […]

By | October 15th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Self-Compassion, Self-trust|0 Comments

Self-Compassion Focus (7)

Day 7/30

Self-Compassion Focus

How did you get on with yesterday’s question? Simple, but deep.

Today’s question may feel a bit uncomfy – the intention is to enhance your self-compassion focus even further.

My invitation to you is to take this question, let it become comfortable in your mind, heart and soul, and observe what answers you receive in […]

By | October 14th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Personal Power, Self-Compassion, Self-trust|0 Comments