Happy Head …. or …. Clutter Shame?

I don’t know about you, but as I get older (and maybe wiser?), Autumn gives me a feeling of wanting to clear and refresh my spaces. Between you and me, in some ways I look on Autumn as […]
I don’t know about you, but as I get older (and maybe wiser?), Autumn gives me a feeling of wanting to clear and refresh my spaces. Between you and me, in some ways I look on Autumn as […]
Hi. Yes, it’s me here again. I’ve been absent from my Blogland for (gulp) six months. Believe me, it’s not due to lazines. It was down to an unexpected and increasing lack of confidence. My fear of stepping back into the writing again. Let me explain.
The first three months of 2018 were a bit horrific […]
How many times a day do you find yourself in anxiety, fear, judgement, anger – with yourself or somebody else? Our default habit is to either lash out emotionally, and regretting that at a later time, or try to push them away, or push them down, denying them. This takes so much energy – and […]
Hello there – Do you have an Inner Critic? I know I certainly do. Which of you has more fun?
A recent pattern I’ve noticed is that of helping my clients to release themselves from the fear of their inner critic (IC). Which has led me to do a ton of reading and research so that […]
How much do you trust yourself? It’s a serious question. Take a moment, and ask yourself the question. How is your self-trust? Really examine all the areas of your life. And allow yourself to be honest in your response.
How much do you trust yourself to keep commitments to others – and even more importantly, to […]
How often have you found yourself stuck in a place of discomfort? A discussion, an argument, a viewpoint? Now, forgive me if I’m in the zone of teaching my granny to suck eggs, but I’m going to write this anyway – sometimes a slight difference in where we stand, literally and metaphorically, can have an […]
Did you ever get that ‘YOU can’t do this!’ voice in your head? The voice of your Inner Parrot, squawking all sorts of undermining blech at you?
Yep, that one that makes you feel less than you are, small and useless? The one with the ughy messages?
I had a clear example of it just this week. […]
Our lives are constantly changing. In our own world – relationships, health, work, finances, plans. Externally we need only consider politics, world happenings, climate. All these changes impact how we are, how we show up in our lives. Sometimes this impact can cause a deep level of fear. Do we keep on being how we […]
So by now, after four days of ‘Why’, you’ll be knowing that there are tons of great reasons to allow yourself to get your self-compassion groove on. (I’m beginning to sound like a Hippie ….. lovely!)
The final ‘why’ I offer you is this:
You begin to be on your side: You have your own back. You’ve […]
Look at us all. We are all, on the surface at least and to all intents and purposes, confident, strong, wise, resilient women. Each and every one of us has a lifetime of personal, educational and professional experiences, obstacles overcome, achievements and happenings.
Aaah, but on the inside? When we put ourselves to the risk wire, […]