

Your Choice – Your Self-Compassion

Today is about Choice.  I love that word.  Choice.  How it feels in my mouth when I say it.  The variety of sounds within that one word when I speak it.  And the meanings of it.  The many differing meanings of it. The importance of conscious choice in our lives.

For our purposes, I’m offering the […]

By | May 26th, 2016|Categories: Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Personal Power, Self-Compassion, Self-trust|0 Comments

Give Yourself Permission

What is it about Self-Compassion that’s so scary-making?   What is it that makes us resistant to being kind to ourselves? And admitting that we are doing so?   We sure as goodness know how to be compassionate to others. We know what actions to take, the language, words and tone to use. So what the heck […]

By | April 25th, 2016|Categories: Commitment, Compassion, Courage, Mindfulness, Permission, Self-Compassion, Uncategorized|0 Comments

What’s your first reaction when you think of being ‘self-compassionate’?

“yea, I know I should be, but I just don’t have time”; or

well, that’s just pure selfishness”; or

“I’ve started to give myself just five mins self-care each day, and can feel the difference already”?

Self-Compassion gets a really bad rap in today’s world of do-more/have-more/I-have-to-look-after-others-before-myself. However, well-documented […]