

Release the Ughies

Did you ever get that ‘work harder-harder-harder; you can do better than this’ voice in your head?

Yep, that one that makes you feel pressured, stressed, guilty? The one with the ughy messages?

I had a serious example of it just last week. I’d finally begun to feel human again, recovered from a horrible 3-week chest infection […]

By | August 30th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Compassion, Courage, Mindfulness, Permission, Self-Compassion|0 Comments

Give Yourself Permission

What is it about Self-Compassion that’s so scary-making?   What is it that makes us resistant to being kind to ourselves? And admitting that we are doing so?   We sure as goodness know how to be compassionate to others. We know what actions to take, the language, words and tone to use. So what the heck […]

By | April 25th, 2016|Categories: Commitment, Compassion, Courage, Mindfulness, Permission, Self-Compassion, Uncategorized|0 Comments