It’s early June, this website has been a long time in the arrival (As my lovely web-developer Melissa knows too well!).  I have had to take the process slow and steady this time around.  There was a time when I was able to take a run at doing things with full energy levels like the proverbial hare, but that’s had to change. Partly due to health changes, partly due to sheer common sense. I’m now a much happier tortoise!

Bringing this new website into reality has been a huge and joyful learning learning experience.  Primarily about my revised ability to make commitments, presuming I’ll be in a fit and healthy state to keep them;  the fact that this was a timed and dated process has made me enormously aware of the peaks and troughs of my energy, and how I can best manage them.

And we’re nearly at the water’s edge, it’ll soon be time to set this new website a-sailing.  Who knows where it’s going to bring me, who it’s going to bring my way, what I’m going to learn?  I’m so excited!

And I would love it if you could help me with a couple of requests. Bear in mind, there’s still work to do on it, photos to insert, details to complete. Be gently honest with me!
1. Have a dance through the site – it’s not 100% finished yet, still some additions / pictures to go in. I’d love to have your thoughts on it thus far. What’s working about it? What would you suggest I do to help it even more? Do the colours work for you? Does the navigation work ok? Is there anything you’d like to see? Can you read the text clearly?

2. Then head over to the newsletter subscription box here on the right side – enter your name and email – you’ll get my regular newsletter, news, event news and goodness knows what else!

Your reward for this help? Go over to the Spread the Joy Page, enter your name and details – and who knows what wee surprise you may get!

Thankyou. With much joy.